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Parent/Teacher Association

The Bonney Lake Elementary PTA is our parent/teacher association. The purpose of the association is:

  • To provide a link between parents and teachers and the community and school.
  • To provide a forum to discuss ways and means of supporting the educational process.

At Bonney Lake Elementary we know volunteers are essential in providing a rich and rewarding environment for our children. We value your input and encourage you to attend meetings and events. Our PTA is responsible for fundraising and pays for events such as field trip transportation, supplies for students and classroom, sponsors and links with educational information such as math and reading programs, family nights, and skate nights. Hope to see you soon!   Visit the BLE PTA website to join the PTA, purchase spirit wear, and follow upcoming events/news.   Access our Facebook page here!  

Board Members

 Position  Name
 President Katie Weer
 Vice President Kylie Fossum
 Secretary Lindsey Payne
Treasurer Brittany Gunderson